Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Terrible 2's

well let me start off by saying the work outs are going good im down 9 pounds and still going strong now on to the other topic:

My son turned 2 on September 6th and he is driving me NUTS!! dont get me wrong i love him to death and would not trade him for the world but come one kid lets use that brain you have!! i dont get what goes through this kid head sometimes. And his new thing is LITERALLY thowing himself on the floor and screaming like someone just killed his dog and then hit him over the head with it... and he dose this when he drops a toy... COME ON NOW! then he just started trowing his food all over the floor and not eating i mean the kid has lost 2 pounds sinse his birthday im a bit worried i cant get him to eat!! (is that normal) timeouts work for about 45 minutes then is back to the grind. the other day he was throwing one of his fits for no reason and i had, had enough! i sent him to his room turned out the light and shut the door as i told him that when he can act like a big boy he can come out and talk to me.... he cried for 2 hours!!! all because i would not let him eat some lotion... i dont get it...

am i doing something wrong did someone trade kids with me without me knowing.. because he has done a 190 since he was 1 year and 364 days old but now that he is 2 all hell has broke loose... he is normally really good with his brother but know he hits and takes toys and crying when im nursing him... screaming MOMMY MOMMY NO BABY! then that makes me feel bad like im not playing with him enough but we play all day.. i read books we sing songs and everything but it dont matter! and taking him out in public is a night mare i feel like the worse parent ever in public and everyone looks at me like i am too! UGH can he just be 5 yet! okay okay i dont mean that he has his sweet moments but not enough!

HELP any advise will be loved!!

Friday, September 9, 2011

day 5 - farther than i made it before!

today is day 5 and im loving the way i feel! im down 8 pounds so only 72 more to go... geesh im going to have to do this 60 day program like 3 times but oh well... days 1-4 were about they same as last... i just had more energy. i am still feeling icky every now and then but working through it. STILL need to get in and have my thyroid checked but getting an appointment here is like pulling teeth! well thats about all for today! sorry so short... ill try to update more often... just been busy since my husband is gone.

Monday, September 5, 2011

not a deployment but IDK

i know i know as an army wife i should be used to my husband being gone. but you know what IM NOT! i have been through 2 deployments so far so this being at the field for X amount of days is way better than a year in a war zone... BUT i was also close to friends in family all the other times he has been gone... this time although a short time is bugging more than normal. im upset that he wont be here tomorrow on Kaleb's second birthday! im upset that i dont have Ashley or Stacy to just come over and keep me company or i go to their house and hang out for a bit! UGH! and to think he will come home and go back to the field for twice as long next time and then sometime in the near future he will deploy and im thousands and thousands of miles away from home. instead of a 2 hour drive i have a 10 hour plan ride... and 2 kids. it dose not help that i was stupid and looked through Kaleb's baby pictures and he is turning 2... my baby is going to be 2!! and my other baby just turned 6 months old... they grow up WAY too fast!

i will say i am happy that i do have some new friends coming over for cake and ice cream tomorrow to celebrate some birthdays!! well i guess i better go and get ready for bed... no nap for me tomorrow... i have my insanity work out.. then shower then clean for company. hope you all had a good labor day!

insanity attempt 2

so this morning i did the fit test again just becasue im starting over... i improved on everything not anything to brag about tho. at nap time im going to do the 20 minutes work out dvd that comes with it... to get me ready for tomorrow to start my work outs!! this time im starting at 226.2... better than 230.6 so here is goes again a whole new tara... lets home i dont get sick again... darn tummy... thats why i took a week off and decided to just start over

Monday, August 29, 2011


well today would be day 6... i have been feeling really icky the last two days... with an upset tummy and having no energy there for no workout...since im soo of course now and still feeling icky im going to start ALL OVER on Monday (NEXT MONEY)... them im on track with the calender and i dont know i think it will work out... sorry to everyone but i think with my tummy issues this is whats better.. i do have some good news... im down to 228.0 which is down 2.4 lbs from when im started... next time around stating next monday. i will still be posting and walking and watching what i eat... just not doing insanity for a week... my tummy just hates me right now. 
that is all later

Saturday, August 27, 2011

day 4- recovery

today was the recovery work out a slow and steady work out but it actually tested my strength more than my endurance today. i like it but i think i like the intense high speed ones better... this kind of reminded me of the yoga day in p90x.... my least favorite... its not near as hard as yoga but it still requires a lot of balance which i do NOT have.. hopefully while strengthening my muscles ill get that too.  i feel good after this work out tho... relaxed and over all good.

alright short and sweet for today. oh i didn't do it at 6 am today i did it at 13:00 just because i was filling sick this morning and the main reason i was doing it first thing in the morning was because it was so hot in this apartment with no ac but now that the weather is cooler i can sleep and extra hour get up with the boys and do my work out at nap time... this makes for a happier mommy!

Cami: thanks for all the comments and i looked at the schedule like you said in the first week there is no abs but next week ill start that with the other workouts so hopefully they will work ;)

Later all!

Thursday, August 25, 2011

going strong Day3

well today's work out was not as bad as yesterdays. my shoulders are in more pain. the thing im kind of bummed about is i have not had pain in my "abs" aka BIG BELLY yet...I have noticed tho during the work outs he keeps saying contract your core contract your core... so im trying but unless he says it i forget so i need to work on that one. when i got up this morning i realized yea my legs hurt and so did my arms but the one thing that caught me off guard was the fact that my feet hurt really bad... the balls of my feet and the "arches" or the sport your arches should be (im as flat footed as a duck). anyway over all i feel good today. i do not feel like trowing up like i did yesterday. my shoulders and neck are just really tight... well back to good old mommy and house work. 
